Energy Innovation Coaches

The Energy Innovation Coaches (EIC) have been trained to successfully consult Iraqi entities and decision makers on energy efficiency and renewable energy to optimise the level of energy consumption. The training has been implemented as part of the “Market and business development for solar power (photovoltaics) in Iraq” project. EICs are individuals (freelance or employed) with a technical background (at least a first degree in engineering, architecture, etc.), who widened their scope of consultancy business towards sustainable energy topics.


During the Energy Innovation Coaches training participants have learned about:

  • Renewable energy and energy efficiency solutions for buildings, commerce and industry.
  • Energy Management Systems and requirements of the ISO 50001, Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA) cycle.
  • Energy performance indicators, monitoring and performance measurement using appropriate equipment and instruments.
  • Financial calculations, indicators, and investment cost estimation of energy efficiency measures.

The participants also took part in a mentoring programme, that allowed them to apply the technical knowledge in practice and to perform an energy audit for a company, based in Iraq.


EICs hold Renewable Academy (RENAC) certificates for:

  • Online training in renewables and energy efficiency (197-hour programme).
  • On-site training for 5-days: “Energy efficiency and energy management in practice” performed by RENAC experts in Sulaymaniyah.
  • 6-week Mentoring Programme carried on by RENAC experts.

EICs hold a TÜV SÜD Middle East LLC certificate for:

  • 5-day online “ISO 50001:2018 Lead Auditor Training Certification Course (CQI IRCA)” performed by TÜV SÜD Middle East LLC.


How can your company or organisation benefit from an energy audit? Energy Innovation Coaches are well placed help your company to improve energy performance, and to identify ways to save costs and energy. EICs can competently consult the building sector as well as industry, and commerce on renewable energies (RE)- and energy efficiency (EE) by:

  • Performing energy audits of the buildings, commerce and industry.
  • Providing energy consultancy and recommendations on how to save energy and improve energy performance.
  • Providing technical and financial assessment and analysis of the potential ways of improving energy efficiency.
  • Auditing Energy Management Systems according to the ISO 50001 requirements.


Photo: EICs after successful graduating on-site training in Sulaymaniyah, March 2023
Photo: EICs after successful graduating on-site training in Sulaymaniyah, March 2023
Photo: EICs learning about energy efficiency during a field trip, March 2023
Photo: EICs learning about energy efficiency during a field trip, March 2023

Compressed air is one of the largest energy users in industry and is used for a variety of purposes:

  • Working energy air – for pneumatic tools and drills.
  • Active air – to operate conveyor systems.
  • Process air – for drying processes, injection blow moulding, packaging, or aeration.

 In some countries it accounts for up to 30% industrial electricity use.

Typical air compressor costs over a ten-year service life. Up to 73% of the cost is electricity use. Data source: Carbon Trust 2012.

Losses occur in all subsystems of compressed air system, as can be seen in this energy flow diagram of a typical compressed air system.

Measures that can potentially be taken to save energy include:

  • Substituting to electrically driven systems – electrical drives have higher initial costs but lower operating costs.
  • Regular and correct maintenance to reduce leaks and pressure losses.
  • Correct compressor sizing. If higher pressure is only required for certain applications, secondary compressors for recompression should be used rather than basing the entire system on the highest pressure requirement.
  • Recovering waste heat, using the heat recovered for other purposes such as pre-heating process water.
  • Repairing compressed air leaks.

Potential energy-saving measures in compressed-air equipment.

In order to assess the energy saving potential, all subsystems need to be considered: application, distribution, processing and production.

Large-scale refrigeration, chillers and cool rooms are used in many industries, especially those dealing with meat and dairy products, food processing, and for process cooling in the chemical industry. The cost of running refrigeration far exceeds the cost of the equipment. In the food production and food retailing businesses, refrigeration can account for 50% of energy costs.

Energy efficiency measures include:

  • Purchasing new compression refrigeration equipment; those with highest energy-saving specifications use around 30% less energy.
  • Using sorption chillers, both ABsorption and ADsorption, which use a thermal compressor instead of a mechanical compressor. These can offer an efficient solution if a source of waste heat available and they can also be powered by solar thermal technology.
  • Correct system sizing – refrigerators and chillers are often oversized.
  • Adequate insulation and sealing of refrigerated rooms to keep heat out and minimise cooling requirements.
  • Setting refrigerators at the highest permissible temperatures.
  • Regular servicing and maintenance, including:
    • Cleaning condensers and evaporators.
    • Regular defrosting.
    • Detecting and repairing leaks.
    • Inspection and repair of pipe insulation.
  • Using monitoring systems that check for changes in pressure and temperature.
  • Recovering heat where possible to use to heat water or for process heat.
  • Using passive cooling systems that can reduce or replace the energy demand for cooling.

A large range of technologies are currently available, especially for large-scale requirements, which can significantly reduce costs. These include cooling towers, hybrid coolers and free coolers. When planning new projects, their potential should be investigated and expert advice sought.

Overviews of cooling technologies currently available. Those driven by heat can be powered by solar thermal systems. However, many are only suitable for large-scale applications.

Electric drive systems convert electric energy into mechanical energy. They consist of an electric motor, a control system and a transmission system, such as a gearbox, which transfers the mechanical power of the electric motor to the working machine. Electric drives are used in pumps, cooling compressors, fans and compressors as well as material handling and processing equipment.

In the construction, industrial, transport and agriculture sectors, electric drives account for 53% of global final electricity consumption and over 70% of total industrial electricity consumption. It has been estimated that the implementation of energy efficiency improvements could reduce the worldwide electricity demand of electric motors by between 20% to 40% by 2040 compared to 2014.

Buying new machinery and replacing old machinery with more efficient machinery is a great opportunity to make economic savings.

Life cycle costs of electric drives at 3,000 annual operating hours over a service life of 7 years. Up to 95% of the costs are derived from the electricity used.

The greatest savings potential lies in optimising mechanical systems, followed by more efficient end-use devices, the installation of variable speed drives, adopting the use of electronic speed controls and the use of highly efficient motors.

Potential areas of saving regarding electric drives.

High energy savings can be achieved in the partial load range of electric drives, as illustrated in this example for an electrically driven pump.

Energy savings can also be made by optimising production processes, by removing energy-intensive steps and by improving operational control.

The payback periods for investments in energy efficiency measures related to electric drives are often only a few years.

If the equipment in an office is producing heat, any air conditioning in the office will have to deal with this additional heat as well. Computers and other IT equipment inevitably produce some heat, with the amount dependent on how efficient they are and on their size. Larger equipment, such as servers, should be located in separate rooms that do not require additional cooling with air conditioning.

European energy efficiency label for an electronic display. Other countries have similar labels.

Energy saving tips for computers and servers in offices.

Using electricity, including solar electricity, to heat water is not energy efficient and therefore unnecessarily expensive. Solar water heating systems (solar thermal technology) are good alternative.

Solar thermal systems are used to heat water for households and for larger hot water consumers such as hotels and hospitals.

The main categories of solar collectors used are:

  • Flat plate collectors.
  • Evacuated tubes (these are more efficient and need less roof space, but are generally more expensive).
Solar water heating system
Valentin Software

Domestic solar water heating system with evacuated tube collectors. Water is heated during the day and stored in the tank.

Large solar water heating system with evacuated tube collectors.

Solar thermal technology can also be used to provide process heat for industry, heat for electricity-generating solar power plants, cooling for large sorption air conditioning systems and cooling for industrial and agricultural applications.

Passive cooling refers to building features that aim to prevent heat from entering into a building (heat gain prevention) or to remove heat from a building (natural cooling). New buildings should be designed and built in such a way as to reduce the amount of energy which is required to cool the building. Buildings being renovated can also be improved by, for example, installing internal or external insulation.

Traditional buildings in hot climates, built before air conditioning became widely available, often have many passive cooling features such as thick insulating walls or a courtyard fountain that provides evaporative cooling.

  • Thick walls to provide thermal insulation.
  • Roofs with thermal insulation.
  • Internal or external thermal insulation (10-30% reduction in cooling load can be achieved in renovated buildings).
  • Recessed windows to prevent the entry of direct sunlight.
  • Windows with heat-reflecting glass.
  • Use of shade.
  • Building shape, orientation and layout.
  • Night ventilation: allowing cool air into the building at night.
  • Earth coupling: using the earth as a cooling source.
  • Heat sinks: such as roof ponds or sealed bags filled with water.
  • Evaporative cooling features such as fountains.
  • Tiled floors.
  • Use of white paint (which can reflect up to 98% of sunlight).

Sources of heat gains in a house.


Evaporative cooling provided by a courtyard fountain.

Building form and layout can prevent heat gain.

The techniques and materials used will be location-specific.

There are several alternatives to conventional compression refrigerant-based air conditioning which consume less electricity/energy per unit of cooling power produced.

Evaporative coolers consist of a fan and some water-soaked material. Air blown by the fan passes through the water-soaked material and is cooled by the water before being blown into the room or building. Evaporative coolers work best in hot dry climates (where air humidity is low). Both centralised systems and units for individual rooms are available.

How an evaporative cooler works.

The strength of the cooling effect provided by evaporative coolers depends on temperature and relative humidity. For example:

Outdoor air temperature 32 °C + 15% relative humidity → indoor air temperature about 16 °C

Outdoor air temperature 32 °C and 50% relative humidity → indoor air temperature about 24 °C

Outdoor air temperature 40 °C and 15% relative humidity → indoor air temperature about 21 °C

Diagram of an ancient Persian wind tower and qanat, used for evaporative cooling of buildings. Air is drawn into the tunnel at some distance away and is cooled both by contact with the cool tunnel walls/water.

Geothermal cooling (geothermal heat pumps) systems transfer heat to the earth or a body of water, either directly or via a heat exchanger, drawing it from a building by circulating air or via a network of pipes embedded in floors, walls or ceilings (radiant cooling).

Example of a geothermal heat pump cooling a building.

Sorption chillers, both ABsorption and ADsorption, which use a thermal compressor instead of a mechanical compressor, can offer an efficient solution if a source of waste heat available. These can also be powered by a solar thermal system using evacuated tube solar collectors, and can supply a building with cool air and cold water, and cold for refrigeration. Systems are large, ranging from 10kW to 5MW power output. Several cooling technologies are used: absorption, adsorption, and solid and liquid desiccant cooling.

The energy efficiency ratio (EER) is used for comparing the efficiency of different air conditioning systems or units. The EER of an air-conditioning system or unit is derived by dividing its cooling capacity by its electric power. Both metrics can be found on the device label. Cooling capacity is measured in British thermal units (BTU). The higher the EER, the more cooling capacity an air conditioner will produce per watt of electricity consumed and the more efficient it is. The EER should be indicated on the label or in the equipment datasheets.

Energy efficiency ratio (EER) = British thermal units (BTU) ÷ electric power of unit in watts (W).

Two air conditioning units compared. Unit A has an EER of 8.7 (approx.); it produces 8.7 BTU of cooling capacity for every watt of electricity it consumes. Unit B has an EER of 12; it produces 12 BTU of cooling capacity for every watt of electricity it consumes. Unit B consumes nearly 30% less electricity than unit A, and will cost about 30% less to operate.

How much cooling capacity is required by a building or a room depends on the climate and the building. Well insulated buildings and those with passive cooling features will require less.  Calculating cooling requirements is complex. Expert advice should be sought for this, as well as for the selection of an optimum air conditioning system.

Another ratio used is the seasonal energy efficiency ratio (SEER), which is the cooling output during a typical cooling season divided by the total electric energy input during the same period.

One BTU equals about 1,055 joules (J) or 0.29 watt-hours (Wh) or 0.00029 kilowatt hours (kWh).

Correct operation and maintenance of air conditioning systems and units reduces the energy they consume.

Tips on how to reduce energy consumed by air-conditioning.

In a large office building, these measures can lead to significant savings.