Market and Business Development for Solar Power in Iraq
Photovoltaic (PV) technologies offer many possibilities for supporting a safe, reliable, and sustainable power supply in Iraq. Favourable climate conditions in Iraq support the expansion of photovoltaics for using solar energy in economically feasible market niches.
PV technologies have been identified as having the potential to:
- spur job creation,
- diversify and develop the private sector,
- address power supply and demand mismatch, and
- encourage activities to increase energy efficiency to enhance energy efficiency.
Sustainable market development for PV technologies requires a steady and balanced increase of demand in combination with a reliable and high-quality supply from private sector companies along the PV value chain (system design, project development, wholesale, installation, and operation and maintenance companies). Skilled staff is required for PV applications in PV off grid, grid-connected, or hybrid systems, covering a variety of educational and professional backgrounds, including sales professionals, engineers, technicians, and installers.

Project Scope
This project supported the private sector market development of solar PV in Iraq by addressing the needs to create
- client demand for solar-powered applications,
- an offer of good-quality PV systems installed by private companies and
- a pool of trained professionals with relevant and/or transferable skills.
Target Group
Entrepreneurs, individuals, and those representing small-and-medium-sized enterprises in the solar sector in Iraq.
Activities were implemented to support the three major goals of the programme:
- capacity building through training programmes and equipment of training centres,
- private sector development through mentoring programmes,
- market creation through information campaigns and a web portal.
The project is part of the Private Sector Development and Employment Promotion (PSD) project and aimed to support and enable solar sector market development in Iraq. It has been implemented from August 2021 – August 2023.
Project Partners and Funding
- European Union (EU) (Co-Funder)
- German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) (Commissioner)
- Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH (Implementation lead)
- RENAC energy & climate gGmbH (Implementing partner)
This website was produced with the financial support of the European Union (EU) and the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ). Its contents are the sole responsibility of GIZ and RENAC and do not necessarily reflect the views of the EU or the BMZ.

With the closing of the project, RWANGA Foundation has been awarded to be the future owner-manager of SOLAR IRAQ.